Fees and Rebates

Session Fee:

Initial 15-min phone consult: free of charge

For a 50-minute session:

During business hours: $225

Outside of business hours (before 9am 0r after 4pm): $245

* The Australian Psychological Society recommended fee for the standard 46 to 60-minute consultation with a registered psychologist is $311 (2023-24). Our fees are way below that recommended level.

Medicare Rebates:

Medicare provide a rebate of $141.85 with a clinical psychologist through the provision of a mental health care plan. This can be obtained through your GP or private psychiatrist.

Ambertree Psychology does not offer Medicare bulk-billing services; neither do we accept Workcover or TAC referrals.

Private Health Insurance:

Depending on your coverage, you may be able to access rebates from your private health insurance provider. Please check with your health insurer.